Friday 28 October 2011

Skill 1- Communication Skills

My first skill is Communication skills.

It is very important that an employee must have good communication skills are as they need to be able to interact with all the other people that they work with.  This would be especially important if you were a receptionist for example, because if you didn't really speak to the people that came in they would probably complain to the boss.

Skill 2- Team-Working Skills

The next skill is Team-Working skills.
Employers always look for team players and most of CVs usually has a reference to teamwork.  Teamwork involves working confidently within a group, contributing your own ideas effectively, taking a share of the responsibility, being assertive - rather than passive or aggressive, accepting and learning from constructive criticism and giving positive, constructive feedback to others. 

When people view the others around them as a team, they are more willing to work together, pooling their skills to create the best possible result. Team building is one of the most important parts of your job, yet many of those in leadership roles are unsure about the right activities to do to build a great team.  For example if you have been put into groups to present an idea to the boss you must all be able to work well toghether or else no work will get done.  No matter if you like the people that you are working with you must still acknowledge any points that they are making.  Also you must not sit back and let all of the others do the not only their own work but also yours.

Skill 3- Listening Skills

My third skill is Listening skills.
Having good listening skills is very important in a job because it makes you more productive.  The ability to listen carefully will allow you to work better in a team-based envirnoment, be able to answer questions that have been asked, have a better understanding of an assignment and what is expected of you as an employee, resolve problems with customers, co workers and boss.  It is important that when someone is talking to you that you mantain eye contact with them and you must not interupt a person when they are talking to you.  For example if a person is talking to you and you are not listening to them you may misinterpret what they mean, or make up what you thought they said.   

Skill 4- Work Under Pressure

My fourth skill is being able to work under pressure.

You don't want to be like this poor man!
It is important in the workplace that especially if your job is that of a stressful one that you do not let it get the better of you and always try to keep calm. 

You need to be able to handle the stress that comes with certain jobs for examples if you have to meet any deadlines that your boss wants you to do. 

For example if you are a Surgeon you will have to deal with many stressful situations everyday.  This is because the life of patients are in a surgeons hands and one small error could prove fatal to the patients life. 

Skill 5- Time-Management Skills

My final skill is Time-Management skills.
A very important skill that an employer will look for in an employee is that their time management skills are very good.  They won't want to employ someone if they arrive at the interview late as they will think that if they can't even come to the interview on time how will they be able to get to work on time everyday.  It is important for the employee to always be organised and make sure that they will not be rushing about in the morning as they have done all the necessary planning the night before. 
For example if you are a bus driver then you really must be able to have good time management skills.  This is because they have to keep to the times that are on the timetable so that people are not waiting for long periods of time on the bus to come.